Now fully enabled for Facebook through their Networked Blogs – come on over and follow.
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For Our iPad Readers
Just saw that WordPress have announced Onswipe – a WPTouch like piece of code to make WordPress blogs look cool on an iPad. So – it is installed. If you have an iPad – try it out – would love to know what you think.
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Logo Design Studio Pro – Now Available In Apple’s Mac App Store
Logo Design Studio Pro is a full-fledged vector illustration and drawingapplication that allows you to quickly design and use professional businesslogos and graphics at a fraction of the cost design agencies and onlinecompanies charge.
The features of Logo Design Studio Pro include:
- 1000+ pre-designed logo templates
- 2800+ editable vector graphics
- 500+ background textures
- 500+ taglines and slogans
- 15 commercial use fonts
- Knife tool to slice graphics on the canvas
- Eraser tool to remove parts of graphics
- Blend tool to create 3D tunnel effects and unique shapes
- Component Library to save and reuse new graphics you create
- New Object browser that includes special one-click filters
- Improved group support
- Improved import of SVG graphics
- Improved SVG and node support
- Improved text editing
With the growing demand for logos and identifying graphics in today’s globalmarket, Logo Design Studio Pro packages the powerful design process into asoftware program that anyone can use. For those needing a creativejump-start, over 1000 pre-designed logo templates and 2800 pre-designed SVGgraphic objects help drive your focus to a unique look that gets noticed.Professionals will find the flexible vector features an excellent resourcefor creating an unlimited number of new designs, along with the largeassortment of templates and fully editable vector graphics, a major creativeadvantage that no other software application offers.
Logo Design Studio Pro is available in Apple’s Mac App Store at a special introductory price of $39.99 for a limited time:
Macware develops and publishes award winning intuitive software designed forMac users.
Macware is a registered trademark of Macware, Inc. Other company and productnames may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.
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Special Offer : Mac App Bundle
$381 worth of Apps – for $49 – offer ends at the end of March
Click Here
Seriously – 1Password – is worth its full price of $39 so that makes it $10 for the rest, including;
Good Luck 🙂
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Macbook Air or Macbook Pro?
At the meeting last night, the question was raised – so just how good is the MacBook Air – and more importantly – is it capable of running Aperture. As always – FULL disclosure. I am not a photographer, nor an Aperture user – but ALWAYS fascinated with what stuff can do.
A little bit of googling and I came up with the blog ApertureLand, link to the full article below – however one passage caught my eye:
In sum, it’s safe to say you can’t go wrong with anything new from Apple if you’re running Aperture 3. I wouldn’t recommend the smaller 11.6″ screen Macbook Air because of the small display, but the 13.3″ model is fine for moderate use.
This from a blogger in the photographic industry.
The Full Article can be found here :: How Does Aperture 3 Run on the Macbook Air and Macbook Pro?
I then motored over to the Apple site and found this comparative summary.
There were a number of comments last night that the Air had a lot of problems. This was true on the PREVIOUS models – NOT true on the new model. In fact – let me go out on a limb and say that it is a fantastic product. (I use a MacBook Pro – but my wife is a VERY HAPPY Air User.)
Caveat – consider the source (Apple) but this is an interesting link – half way down on the right a link to an Apple promo about The Air.
More importantly – some recent independant comments and reviews from some of the analysts I watch :::
GigaOm – 8th March
The Atlantic Tech Blog – 7th March
MacWorld – 22nd Feb – a review from a photographer’s perspective
Let me know if you need more.
++ MAUS Meeting Summaries
Meeting Summary : March
Date Line : March 16th.
Topics covered :
- iPad2 and some of the new apps – particularly iMovie and GarageBand
- Watched a couple of the Videos to give you a guided tour of what can be done with the iPad 2
- Detailed demo of FaceTime on iPad 2 to Mac
- MacBook Pro
- MacBook Air – see this post for a detailed follow up
- Discussed this new blog – email us for what you want to see talked about here.
- Mac App Bundle Offer – see this post for a detailed follow up
- Brief introduction to:
- The Intego review and offer to the User Group
- Remote Presenters Initiative
More details ? Want to know more ? EMail Me Now :
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Problems syncing after iOS 4.3?
… it just might be your photos
I recently upgraded my phone to 4.3 and had exactly the synching problem discussed in this article. I solved it – mainly through trial and error and really wish I had seen tis first – because now I look back – the solution describes exactly what I did – (amongst a tonne of other things.)
first unchecking syncing and then re-syncing everything (which took a while, as all of the photos were re-optimized and copied over) worked just fine. So, at least for me, there was a problem with syncing photos, and in both cases, deleting the photos and then having the computers and iDevices sync all photos, events and faces solved the problem.
Full Article :: Problems syncing after iOS 4.3?
Passed on – with thanks to :: TUAW – The Unofficial Apple Weblog
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New iPad Appeals More to Emotion Than Reason
Another review on the iPad 2 – this from David Pogue at The New York Times. As John Gruber at Daring Fireball wrote – love the opening paragraph;
“An utter disappointment and abysmal failure” (Orange County Design Blog). “Consumers seem genuinely baffled by why they might need it” (Businessweek). “Insanely great it is not” (MarketWatch). “My god, am I underwhelmed” (Gizmodo).
But – getting more on down to the truth:
On paper, Apple didn’t do much. It just made the iPad one-third thinner, 15 percent lighter and twice as fast. There are no new features except two cameras and a gyroscope. I mean, yawn, right?
And then you start playing with it.
My friends, I’m telling you: just that much improvement in thinness, weight and speed transforms the experience. We’re not talking about a laptop or a TV, where you don’t notice its thickness while in use. This is a tablet. You are almost always holding it. Thin and light are unbelievably important for comfort and the overall delight. So are rounded edges, which the first iPad didn’t have.
Full Article :: The NYT iPad2 Review
Passed on – with thanks to : The New York Times
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iPad 2 Review
It’s out. At least it will be at midnight tonight. In the meantime – have a read of this review from the organization ‘Engadget’
To say Apple’s iPad 2 is an easy tablet to review is somewhat of an understatement. The device, a follow up to last year’s wildly successful (and currently market-defining) iPad, is nearly identical when it comes to software, and though improved, closely related on the hardware side as well. With a 9.7-inch, 1024 x 768 display, the general size and shape of the device has remained the same, and though inside there’s a new dual core A5 CPU, more memory, and a pair of new cameras, most of the iPad 2’s changes are cosmetic. Still, the previous tablet soared far above most of its competitors when it came to the quality of both the hardware (if not its raw specs) and its software selection — something Apple still stands head and shoulders over its adversaries on. So this new model, a thinner, sleeker, faster variant of the original may not be breaking lots of new ground, but it’s already at the front of the pack. But is the iPad 2 worth an upgrade for those that took the plunge on the first generation? More importantly, does the device have what it takes to bring new owners into the fold? Those questions — and more — are all about to be answered in the full Engadget review, so read on!
Full Article :: The Engadget iPad 2 Review