Topic: Organize your Digital Life.
If you did not have a chance to attend our January meeting we live streamed the meeting on Facebook . No log in required to watch video!
Here is a link to the Keynote.
Wednesday, January 9, 2019 6:00– 8:00 PM At UH Maui College (Laulima Bldg. ROOM 211)
Topic: Getting Your Tech Life Organized for the New Year!
Wow the new year is upon us, and our meeting snuck up on us. Sorry for the late notice for the meeting. Happy 2019! Let’s head into the new year and get our computer files organized, synced, and cleaned up. We will see what is cluttering up our iDevices and how best to optimize them.
This month we will be live streaming the meeting via Facebook. You can tune in 6PM HST for the live stream of the presentation at this link. If you do not have a facebook account, we will post a public link that you can view the meeting at a later time.
As always we will be available to answer all your Apple related questions at the beginning of the meeting. Directions to Meeting can be found here.
Wednesday, December 12, 2018 6:00– 8:00 PM At UH Maui College (Laulima Bldg. ROOM 211)
Topic: Annual Holiday Party & Holiday Tech Tips
Join us for an evening of food, fun door prizes and gifts, at our annual year-end potluck party. Bring a small food dish, pupus, to share with other members. The user group will provide drinks, condiments and desserts for the evening.
We will also be doing a gift exchange and giving out door prizes. If you would like to participate in the gift exchange, please bring a small wrapped gift (tech gift) valued under $20. We have some great door prizes as well. You must be in attendance to participate.
Our Grand Prize will be a set of Apple Air Pods!
As always we will be available to answer all your Apple related questions at the beginning of the meeting. Directions to Meeting can be found here.
Our annual membership meeting will take place prior to our regularly scheduled meeting. We will review the previous year’s accomplishments, finances and elect board members. If you are interested in serving on the MAUS board please submit your name to
Laulima Bldg Room 211 @ 6-6:15pm
Wednesday, November 14, 2018 6:15 – 8:00 PM At UH Maui College (Laulima Bldg. ROOM 211)
Topic: Pages, Numbers, and Keynote Breakout Sessions
Join us this as our main topic will be 3 breakout sessions on Pages, Numbers, and Keynote from Apple. We will have 3 presenters in smaller groups covering each topic. We will take a look at Mac, iOS, and iCloud options. We will also briefly cover the new product announcements from Apple’s October 30 event.
As always we will be available to answer all your Apple related questions at the beginning of the meeting. Directions to Meeting can be found here.
Wednesday, October 10, 2018 6:00 – 8:00 PM At UH Maui College (Laulima Bldg. ROOM 211)
Topic: Apple 2018 Software Upgrades: macOS, iOS, watchOS, tvOS
It seems every year around this time Apple announces new devices and offers software upgrades. Join us this month as we take a closer look at macOS Mojave and iOS 12 along with some of the other upgrades released. We will take a look at new features, stability improvements, and if you should be doing these upgrades.
As always we will be available to answer all your Apple related questions at the beginning of the meeting. Directions to Meeting can be found here.
NOTE: Meeting is cancelled as UH Maui College campus is closed Wednesday, September 12, 2018 due to tropical storm Olivia.
Wednesday, September 12, 2018 6:00 – 8:00 PM At UH Maui College (Laulima Bldg. ROOM 211)
Topic: Exploring iOS 12 for iPhone and iPad
iOS 12 and new iPhones are right around the corner. Join us this month as we take a look at the new features of iOS 12, and how to prepare your iPads and iPhones for the upgrade. Apple has some announcements the same day as our meeting, so we will discuss all the latest news from the day.
As always we will be available to answer all your Apple related questions at the beginning of the meeting. Directions to Meeting can be found here.
Preparing your technology for a hurricane
With Hurricane Lane fast approaching, it is time to get your technology prepared for such an event. Some key areas to think about are: backups, batteries/power, and other tech tips.
Now is the time to make sure your computer backup is in place and completed. This is typically an external backup drive or your data in the cloud. If an external backup drive, do one final backup and then unhook it and put it in a safe place. If you have access to a weatherproof safe, that would be ideal. If not, placing it in a ziplock bag or some place that can avoid water damage can help protect your data. If you are required to evacuate, take your backup drive with you. If you have a mobile phone, you can back it up to your computer as well, or use the cloud service backup built into the phone. Remember the 3-2-1 rule of backing up. Data in 3 places, 2 locations, 1 offsite.
Batteries / Power
Now is the time to charge up your phones and laptops. If you have an external battery charger pack, get those charged up as well. If your car has a USB charger built in or a cigarette lighter charger, remember you can use that to charge up your device if the power goes out (just make sure it is safe to get to your car).
If the hurricane does hit, there is the potential the electricity may go out. Prior to that, you want to unplug your desktop computers to avoid any electrical damage caused by power surges. If your computer sits on the floor, you may want to put it in a higher place. Unplug any other electrical items from the floor. If your technology devices sit next to a window or door, move them to the center of the room. Again make sure they are off the ground. Cover your electronics with a plastic bag if possible to help avoid water damage. DO NOT COVER ITEMS THAT ARE PLUGGED IN!
Other Tech Tips
Go around your house and take pictures of the outside. Take wide angle pictures of each room inside. Take pictures of valuable items. This will help you recall things and have a digital record if you need to file an insurance claim. Remember backup the pictures.
Update your phone voicemail. Let friends and family know you are safe or how best to reach you. Update the voicemail daily if possible. You may not be able to field all the incoming calls with people checking on you, or you may need to shut your phone off to preserve battery power. You may not have access to email, so you may want to setup an email auto-reply as well.
Remember be prepared, be safe and be wise.
Wednesday, August 8, 2018 6:00 – 8:00 PM At UH Maui College (Laulima Bldg. ROOM 211)
Topic: iTunes, Apple Music and CarPlay
We took July off for a summer break, and are back in full swing for our August meeting. This month we will take a look at how iTunes has changed over the years and how Apple Music integrates with it. Since we like to listen to music and podcast while driving, we will take a look at the CarPlay features of the iPhone in your vehicle.
As always we will be available to answer all your Apple related questions at the beginning of the meeting. Directions to Meeting can be found here.
We are taking July off this month for Summer Vacation
Join is on Wednesday, August 8 from 6-8PM for our next meeting.