September 2015 User Group Meeting

Wednesday September 16,2015 6:00 – 8:00 PM At Maui College (Laulima Bldg. Rm. 211)
Topic: iOS 9 and new Apple announcements

iOS 9 is the next major step for iPads, iPhones and other iOS devices. Join us this month as we take a look at the new features included in this update. Also Apple recently announced new iPhones, iPads, and Apple TV devices. We will discuss what these new products offer, and what is the best path to upgrading. As always we will save time for your Mac and iOS questions. For directions to our meetings, click here.

Remote access for our September meeting:

August 2015 Meeting

Wednesday August 19,2015 6:00 – 8:00 PM At Maui College (Laulima Bldg. Rm. 211)
Topic: Home Automation and Apple Products

homekit-heroGrowing up, futuristic TV shows have always had home automation as the focal point of our sci-fi future. Apple has introduced technology called HomeKit that is moving us closer to that reality. Join us this month as we look at how software and hardware is automating us for the future. MAUS members will demonstrate how solar power and home energy can be managed and monitored via your Mac. We will also look at of-the-shelf hardware to automate your home.  As always we will save time for your Mac and iOS questions. For directions to our meetings, click here.

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July 2015 Meeting

Wednesday July 15,2015 6:00 – 8:00 PM At Maui College (Laulima Bldg. Rm. 211)
Topic: Word Processing on Mac and iOS in the Cloud

A lot of questions come up about how document apps such as Apple Pages, Microsoft Word, etc. work, and especially how they work in conjunction with cloud services such as iCloud, Google Docs, etc. Join us this month as we discuss these services and develop a workflow for using Pages in conjunction with iCloud. As always we will save time for your Mac and iOS questions. For directions to our meetings, click here.

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June 2015 User Group Meeting

Wednesday June 17,2015 6:00 – 8:00 PM At Maui College (Laulima Bldg. Rm. 211)
Topic: Understanding New Apple Technologies and Terms

It seems technology is moving faster than we can keep up with it. With new technology comes new features and terms that for some of us, we just don’t understand. Apple just concluded its annual World Wide Developer Conference, and with it announcements of new features and terms. Join us this month as we cover a number of terms and technologies used by Apple, and put them into laymen terms for everyone to understand. As always we will save time for your Mac and iOS questions. For directions to our meetings, click here.

May 2015 User Group Meeting

Wednesday May 20, 2015 6:00 – 8:00 PM At Maui College (Laulima Bldg. Rm. 211)
Topic: Apple Watch

The time has arrived for this month’s meeting. We will be presenting and showing off the new Apple Watch. Not sure what the watch can do, or just curious as to its features? Join us for this live demo and presentation. As always we will save time for your Mac and iOS questions. For directions to our meetings, click here.


Remote access to our meeting this month :

April 2015 User Group Meeting

Wednesday April 15, 2014 6:00 – 8:00 PM At Maui College (Laulima Bldg. Rm. 211)
Topic: Apple Photos

Apple has introduced a new application to manage photos on your Mac. It is called simply, Photos. It integrates some of the look and feel of the iOS version of the Photos application. Join us as we review the ins and outs of the new app from Apple as well discuss how it is designed to replace iPhotos and Aperture. As always we will save time for your Mac and iOS questions. For directions to our meetings, click here.

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