May Meeting Recap

A stellar turn out this meeting. Was it the topic – Photos, always popular – or Robbi’s delicious cookies? This month we looked at the new features in Photos and browsed Apple’s new website on how to take pictures with the iPhone 7. Click on the links for a refresher or to learn more.

June is a travel month for many members – NO Meeting. Stay tuned for news and updates about future meetings on our website.

May 2017 User Group Meeting

Wednesday, May 17 6:00 – 8:00 PM At UH Maui College (Laulima Bldg. ROOM 211)
Topic: Exploring the New Photos App

What’s new in Photos? Join us this month as we take a look at the new features introduced with the new macOS Sierra. We will take a look at the new search features, memories, and iCloud integration. Bring your best Photos questions or tips to share with the group. We will start the session answering any other macOS or iOS questions you may have.

Saturday Mac Classes

UH Maui College generously allows us to use their facility for our meetings. Do you need more in-depth help with understanding how to use your Apple devices? The EdVenture Program offers classes covering all sorts of MacOS and iOS topics. See schedule below. If you are interest in registering for a class click here.

April 2017 User Group Meeting

Wednesday, April 19 6:00 – 8:00 PM At UH Maui College (Laulima Bldg. ROOM 212) Note Room Change
Topic: System Preferences, Mission Control and Launchpad

It’s break out session time again. This popular event features two  in-depth break out sessions  looking at System Preferences (think settings for iOS). Plus how to use the little known Mission Control and Launchpad. We will start the session answering any macOS or iOS questions you may have.

March 2017 User Group Meeting

March Meeting is CANCELLED

Due to some scheduled classes at the college, there are no rooms available for our March meeting. We will pick up our March topic at our April meeting. Sorry for any inconvenience. 

Topic: System Preferences, Mission Control and Launchpad

It’s break out session time again. This popular event features two  in-depth break out sessions  looking at System Preferences (think settings for iOS). Plus how to use the little known Mission Control and Launchpad. We will start the session answering any OSMac or iOS questions you may have.

MAUS User Group Survey

The Maui Apple Users Society Board of Directors is conducting a member survey regarding meeting attendance, meeting topics and meeting times. We would appreciate you taking a moment to fill out the survey.

Take Our Survey!

February Meeting Recap

If you missed our meeting we discussed The Forgotten Apps of MacOS. Rick O. & Rick L. reminded us of all the useful things that Calendar, Reminders, Notes, Contacts, Maps and Siri can do! Click here to view this great presentation.

Pro Membership sign up for 2017 is now found exclusively on our website,  look in the upper right corner of the home page.

There is a vacant board member director position available for the rest of the year. If interest please contact

February 2017 User Group Meeting

Wednesday, February 15, 6:00 – 8:00 PM At UH Maui College (Laulima Bldg. ROOM 211)
Topic: The Forgotten Apps of macOS

Join us this month as we cover the small integrated and sometimes forgotten apps of macOS. We will look at the Calendar, reminders, notes, contacts, maps,  and  Siri. Learn how to use them in your everyday life. We will spend the first part of the meeting answering your Mac and iOS questions. Directions to our meeting can be found here.

January 2017 User Group Meeting

Wednesday, January 18, 6:00 – 8:00 PM At UH Maui College (Laulima Bldg. ROOM 211)
Topic: Get Your Digital Life Organized for 2017

With the new year it’s time to get your digital files in order. Join us this month as we help you organize your files and folders on your Mac and iOS devices, clean up clutter, reduce paperwork (digital scanning), and clean up your email. We will spend the first twenty minutes of the meeting answering all you iOS and Mac questions prior to our topic discussion. Directions to our meeting can be found here.