June 2015 User Group Meeting

Wednesday June 17,2015 6:00 – 8:00 PM At Maui College (Laulima Bldg. Rm. 211)
Topic: Understanding New Apple Technologies and Terms

It seems technology is moving faster than we can keep up with it. With new technology comes new features and terms that for some of us, we just don’t understand. Apple just concluded its annual World Wide Developer Conference, and with it announcements of new features and terms. Join us this month as we cover a number of terms and technologies used by Apple, and put them into laymen terms for everyone to understand. As always we will save time for your Mac and iOS questions. For directions to our meetings, click here.

May 2015 User Group Meeting

Wednesday May 20, 2015 6:00 – 8:00 PM At Maui College (Laulima Bldg. Rm. 211)
Topic: Apple Watch

The time has arrived for this month’s meeting. We will be presenting and showing off the new Apple Watch. Not sure what the watch can do, or just curious as to its features? Join us for this live demo and presentation. As always we will save time for your Mac and iOS questions. For directions to our meetings, click here.


Remote access to our meeting this month :https://join.me/976-581-131

April 2015 User Group Meeting

Wednesday April 15, 2014 6:00 – 8:00 PM At Maui College (Laulima Bldg. Rm. 211)
Topic: Apple Photos

Apple has introduced a new application to manage photos on your Mac. It is called simply, Photos. It integrates some of the look and feel of the iOS version of the Photos application. Join us as we review the ins and outs of the new app from Apple as well discuss how it is designed to replace iPhotos and Aperture. As always we will save time for your Mac and iOS questions. For directions to our meetings, click here.

Remote screen share to meeting: https://join.me/368-757-854

March 2015 User Group Meeting

Wednesday March 18, 2014 6:00 – 8:00 PM At Maui College (Laulima Bldg. Rm. 211)
Topic: Secrets of OS X- Breakout Sessions

This month we are bringing back our popular breakout sessions. These are small groups with three presenters covering three topics related to helping you understand OS X. Topics covered include; Disk Utility, Keychain, Time Machine and a variety of other related OS X topics. As always we will save time for your Mac and iOS questions. For directions to our meetings, click here.

remote access https://join.me/286-159-994


February 2015 User Group Meeting

Wednesday February 18, 2014 6:00 – 8:00 PM At Maui College (Laulima Bldg. Rm. 211)
Topic: Health and Fitness for iOS and Mac

Health is an important part of our life. In recent years, it has grown in popularity with wearable health trackers and technology Apple and other software companies have built into both the iOS operating system and OS X. Join us this month as we take a look at Apple’s Health Kit, discuss wearable devices, and other popular health apps. As always we will save time for your Mac and iOS questions. For directions to our meetings, click here.

Join.me login for meeting: join.me/910-727-961

January 2015 User Group Meeting

Wednesday January 21, 2014 6:00 – 8:00 PM At Maui College (Laulima Bldg. Rm. 211)
Topic: Apple Continuity, Handoff and iCloud Drive

Welcome to 2015 and our first Apple User Group meeting of the year. We have some great meetings in store for this year. To kick off the new year we will be looking at some of the new features introduced by Apple in iOS 8 and OS X Yosemite that allow your devices in interact and work together in even more ways. As always we will save time for your Mac and iOS questions. For directions to our meetings, click here.

2015 MAUS Pro Membership can be purchased in the sidebar to the right. Benefits of paid membership can be found here.

We are now using join.me for remote meeting access. Pro members will receive advanced notice of access to the meeting. Regular members can receive the meeting ID code posted by 5:50 PM HST the night of the meeting both here and on our Facebook page. You can download the Mac App or search for join.me on the iOS App store.

Join.me link for the meeting: https://join.me/549-775-361

December 2014 User Group Potluck

Wednesday December 10, 2014 6:00 – 8:00 PM At Maui College (Laulima Bldg. Rm. 211)
Topic: Annual Holiday Party and Apple Gift Ideas for the Season

We have spent all year covering great things from Apple. Now let’s enjoy the end of a great year with a potluck get together. Bring a dish of your favorite liking to share with members. Enjoy an evening of fun and sharing. We will have great meeting giveaways including Apple SWAG, and a surprise Apple gadget. You need to be in attendance to be eligible for prizes. We will  broadcast a portion of the meeting on join.me when we discuss gift ideas. As always we will save time for your Mac and iOS questions. For directions to our meetings, click here.

Join.me login info for this month: https://join.me/122-833-229

November 2014 User Group Meeting

Wednesday November 19, 2014 6:00 – 8:00 PM At Maui College (Laulima Bldg. Rm. 211)
Topic: Addressing Adware, Malware, and Password Security for OS X and iOS

Our monthly topic will follow our short annual meeting of the members. As Apple products become more popular, there are those individuals or groups who will try and profit or initiate security scams on your device in an attempt to make money. Though there are no known Apple viruses, there have been some recent Adware web browser hijacking, phishing emails to access your AppleID, as well as a few ongoing fake “utility” software for your Mac. Join us this month as we address ways to protect your Mac and iOS devices as well as some basic security measures you can put in place to protect your email as well as your AppleID. As always we will save time for your Mac and iOS questions. For directions to our meetings, click here.

We are now using join.me for remote meeting access. Pro members will receive advanced notice of access to the meeting. Regular members can receive the meeting ID code posted by 5:50 PM HST the night of the meeting both here and on our Facebook page. You can download the Mac App or search for join.me on the iOS App store.

Our access link for tonights meeting is: https://join.me/592-938-632