MAUS Meeting : July 20

Wednesday, July 20, 2011, 6:00 – 8:00 PM
At Maui College (Laulima Rm. 211)

Topic: Upgrading Your Mac: . New computers are great, but not always a necessity. Lion is on the way. Is your Mac ready? Running out of hard space? Spinning wheel? Join us this month as we discuss tips that can help maximize your Macs use and help extend its life. As always bring your Mac, iPad, iPhone and iPod questions with you.

Meeting Summary : June

Not as many links to go through for this month, since the June meeting focussed on Apple’s WWDC announcements and what it means to Apple Users.

  • Lion
  • iOS 5
  • iCloud

We won’t replay everything here – suffice to say – if you want to learn what is going on at a high level – some great videos and commentaries on Apple’s own web site.

Watch The Keynote

Learn More About iOS 5

Learn More About Lion

Learn More About iCloud

We also spent some more time going through the Malware episode – and reviewed Rick’s two videos on how to remove it if you get infected. Check out the post here.

We further announced the re-introduction to the Pro Level membership.$10 per month to get access to the Pro Level, that could more than pay for itself in a single transaction.

Those members that joined the Pro level last night will be receiving a unique email with details of how to access the special offers on our website – as well as get listings to your business on the site – and post advertising for products you might want to sell.

We also discussed the idea of introducing a forum, which is definitely on the cards – but step by step. To reiterate comments last night – if there are specific questions you have – feel free to ask us through email – and we will respond through email if we can quickly. If not – we will include it in the discussion at the next meeting – and post responses into this stream.

Once again – apologies for the up and ‘down-ness’ of Facebook and the blog over the past 24 hours – partly due to going live with this very blog. As said earlier – hopefully normal service is resumed – don’t hesitate to let me know if you find any problems.

Normal Service Has Been Restored

Dear All … ‘Normal Service’ to the Maui Mac User Society’s online presence has been restored. Apologies for the up and down of the web site, the feeds, the links to our page on Facebook etc. Suffice to say – all should now be done. Don’t hesitate to flag anything you find that you think is not as it should be …. we will get on it immediately.

Our Blog Is Here

Our Facebook Page Is Here

Subscribe To Our Newsletter Here


Upcoming MAUS Meeting : June 15

Wednesday, June 15, 2011, 6:00 – 8:00 PM
At Maui College (Laulima Rm. 211)

Topic: It is in the Cloud! What you need to know about the OS X 10.7 Lion upgrade coming out in July, iOS 5, and Apple’s new iCloud service. We will also be introducing our new website and Pro Membership to the group. This month’s door prize will be a 1 Month Core Pass to video tutorial website. As always bring your Mac, iPad, iPhone and iPod questions with you. Directions to our meeting can be found here.

Meeting Summary : May

May Meeting Tips, Tricks and Links that we discussed …. later than we would normally want to publish …. but this is the set of links that we discussed in the May Meeting. First and most important are the two links that Rick generated in the session that provides video help.

‘How To’ Video Links From Rick
1 – Merge a PDF – Video Here
2 – Parallels Question – Video Here

The rest of these links were all discussed at the meeting. Hope you find them useful.

Apple Links
Apple’s Support Site :
Pro Tips from Apple UK :
Apple Support Communities :
Mac Basics :
iPad Guided Tours :

Fixing Stuff
i Fix It :
Devon Think :
Anti Virus From Sophos :

Screen Cast Online :
Lynda DOT Com :

Keyboard Shortcuts
Mac Rumours :
Apple :

EBook Management
Calibre :

Video Links
Mac Pro Video :