June 2014 User Group Meeting

Wednesday June 18, 2014 6:00 – 8:00 PM At Maui College (Laulima Bldg. Rm. 211)
Topic: The Cloud Part 2- Syncing

Last year we covered Cloud services in one of our meetings. This year we expand on that meeting and get into the syncing aspects of the cloud. With all your data floating around, we will help you know where it is at, how did it get there, and how can you retrieve it. As always, we will save time for your Mac and iOS questions. For directions to our meetings, click here.

Our test run of our Remote Meeting last month was a success using join.me. You can download the Mac App or search for join.me on the iOS App store. The meeting ID code will be posted at 5:55 PM the night of the meeting both here and on our Facebook page.

The join.me June meeting can be accessed here: o view the Maui Apple User Group June Meeting Presentation, click this link:

May 2014 User Group Meeting

Wednesday May 21, 2014 6:00 – 8:00 PM At Maui College (Laulima Bldg. Rm. 211)
Topic: 3 – 2 – 1 BACKUP

So how many of you backup your Mac data? Those that do backup, how secure and safe is that backed up data? Do you backup your iPad and iPhone? Join us this month as we cover in-depth, how to make sure your data is backed up, secure and safe for both your Mac and iOS devices. As always, we will save time for your Mac and iOS questions. For directions to our meetings, click here.

We have had request from members wanting to join our meetings remotely. We will be doing a test run this month with join.me. You can download the Mac App or search for join.me on the iOS App store. The meeting ID code will be posted at 5:55 PM the night of the meeting both here and on our Facebook page. If you are interested in attending remotely and want to notify us in advance, email info@mauimac.org

The Join.me link is https://join.me/827-839-321

April Meeting Recap

Here is our meeting recap for April.

Here is the iCloud weblink to our keynote presentation on Digital Media and your Apple Devices.

The Heartbleed subject was discussed. Here are two sites that let you test a website to see if it is vulnerable and a site that list an ongoing list of websites that you access that recommend changing your passwords.

Test a website for heart bleed vulnerability- Agilebits (1Password creator)
Running list of sites exposed to this vulnerability- Mashable 


UH Maui EdVenture Apple Classes

UH Maui College offers MAUS the great opportunity to use its Mac Lab facilities for our monthly meetings. They are the logoonly Apple Authorized IT Training Center in the State of Hawaii. This is a great training facility and they offer many great technology classes in Apple, PC, social media, and web training. Their new website is now up. Check it out and sign up for a class!

Building Apps on Maui- Free Workshops

global_99933672.2As part of the Apple community here on Maui, MAUS would like to share about this great opportunity  with its members. This event is led by the Maui Business Brainstormers. You will need to RSVP for this event. Links to the event are listed below.

Where: University of Hawai’i – Maui College Pilina Building -Multipurpose Room
When: Tuesday April 22, 2014 or Thursday April 24, 2014 Online RSVP required.

More info and online RSVP
Tue April 22 : http://goo.gl/60G2Ea 
Thu April 24: http://goo.gl/Tdeycr

• Guest Presenter: Greg Rewis
• All day workshop (with breakfast and lunch)

April 2014 User Group Meeting

Wednesday April 16, 2014 6:00 – 8:00 PM At Maui College (Laulima Bldg. Rm. 211)
Topic: The new age of Digital TV and Movies

How we watch TV and Movies is changing. We no longer need to sit in front of a TV for a scheduled show. We can watch online with our computer, iPad, iPhone, or Apple TV. There are other devices such as a Roku or the Google Chromecast. It is TV and movies on our time. There are digital services such as iTunes, Netflix and Hulu that can provide us our TV content as well. Join us this month as we explain how this digital technology is changing the traditional TV model. As always, we will save time for your Mac and iOS questions. For directions to our meetings, click here.

March 2014 User Group Meeting

Wednesday March 19, 2014 6:00 – 8:00 PM At Maui College (Laulima Bldg. Rm. 211)
Topic: Apple and Your Online Security, Privacy, and Safety

The world we now live in, relies on us storing and providing information online. With more information out there about us, it can put our identity at risk. Join us this month as our topic will focus on ways to manage your Mac and iOS security, privacy, and online safety. We will discuss built in security measures, added software tools, and general online safety tips. As always, we will save time for your Mac and iOS questions. For directions to our meetings, click here.

February 2014 User Group Meeting

Wednesday February 19, 2014 6:00 – 8:00 PM At Maui College (Laulima Bldg. Rm. 211)
Topic: Introducing the new iPhoto and iMovie

Apple recently updated iPhoto and iMovie for OS X and the iOS devices. Join us this month as we take a look at the new additions and features of these applications. We will also see how they have changed and integrated with iCloud and other online sharing services. As always, we will save time for your Mac and iOS questions. For directions to our meetings, click here.