Mac Pro Video Offer – Ends 20th July

If you are a fan of Dream Theater read on …

If you are interested in getting a discount on Mac Pro Video’s new Logic Pro and Final Cut Pro X tutorials – read on …

Because until July 20th, they are running a contest that will give you an opportunity to win backstage passes to a Dream Theater show near you – PLUS – you can save 25% when you purchase the HD Download version of these new titles.

Better be quick – the deal (and the email below) expires on July 20th (2011). If you want the special coupon code, email me now

Their site is here

Application and Lion Compatibility

More on Lion compatibility.

Classic and PowerPC applications will NOT work in Lion, but it is possible that some of your applications that are Intel or Universal based also won’t work in Lion! Which ones? Better to know BEFORE you upgrade to Lion.

There is a web site that is a Wiki where users can report on the working of applications under Lion. The data, so far, of course is from the Developer community.

The top box lets you click and check for an application based upon its name. Try Q to see how bad Quicken is

The Status box is a report on the software and Lion.

  • Cheers for the green / check icon; it apparently works.
  • Boo’s for the red / X icon; it doesn’t work.
  • Caution for the yellow / ! icon; it worked but there were some issues.
  • Not Tested yet for the blue / ? icon.

The App Store box apparently indicates whether the application is available from the Mac App Store.

App Compatibility Table

Thanks to:
Jerry King, President
Naples MacFriends User Group

For this information

Filemaker Pro compatibility with Lion

Our friends at Macnn, recently spoke to Filemaker about compatibility with Lion. Their response ?

“FileMaker Pro 8.5 or greater will install on Lion.”


“Only FileMaker Pro 11.0 will be certified and supported to run on Lion.”

So, the bottom line is, you can use any version from 8.5 and up, but you might have some minfor problems. They only support Filemaker Pro 11.